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Rose Community Foundation

This project was designed to explore the attitudes and practices of the "NextGeneration" defined as today's generation of Jewish people in the Rocky Mountain region. The foundation's specific demographic (20- to 40-year-olds) revealed common threads that unify the contemporary Jewish lifestyle. We used the "threads" theme graphically to enhance the design and encourage navigation through the report.

Mile High Community Loan Fund

MHCLF looked to Straightline Design for initial tools as they rebranded their business in 2007. The project included a new identity, website and company brochures. The annual report served a dual purpose of outlining the 2007 financial and development review and officially introducing the new logo and corporate identity.

The Children's Hospital

To encourage applicants to join The Children's Hospital residency program, Straightline Design created a graphic solution that made a personal connection to the prospective resident. The cover imagery featured an engaging "break room" corkboard, filled with exciting bits of information pertinent to The Children's Hospital environment. The demanding yet rewarding work schedule, interesting leisure opportunities and personal photos gave the applicant an honest insight into the everyday culture and a desire to learn more about the program.

Gart Companies

One challenge in developing a series of kits and campaigns customized for this corporation was the eclectic mix of businesses. Our solution was a dramatic mix of imagery coupled with easily navigated design to detail the many facets that make up this company. From urbane loft development and retail leasing to exciting sports merchandising and coaching, we were able to produce a multifunction marketing piece that successfully showcased all that Gart could be to their business clients.

site map :: © straightline design company, lic 2008